Refer to my previous post for the story detail:
I remembered that few years back, following the deferment of the UP Charter Bill in the Senate under former President Nemenzo, an open letter entitled 'Triumph of Malice' was circulated to castigate former Sen John Osmena for blocking the said legislation alledgedly for "political" reasons. Now for the nth time, the recycled measure (authord/sponsored by Sen Pangilinan) was again up for deliberation in the Upper Chamber. Just few days ago,uncalled emotions heightened in the Senate Hall courtesy of the proponents of the Bill, with no less than from UP President Emerlinda Roman herself in the spotlight (read story below). For which reason she would act like that (as narrated), is a shame to the UP administration. The pesistence and passion in pushing for the bill have incurred her personal credibility and of UP.There maybe a thousand reasons for such intent, to the point of personal tirrades. What's with that Bill in the first place? It is only because of the outdated Charter? Or because of some interests, other than that of UP?Without mallice that I assume that any of these, has to do something with such act. Why not allow prolonged debate and openly defend the BIll if that what it takes to satisfy the dissenting parties, or enter a compromise. Arrogance has no place in an institution like UP, above all, logic and the welfare of UP consitutents should prevail.
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Open Statement on the Arrogance of UP President Roman
Last night, December 18, 2007, someone,obviously with connections to the UPAdministration, sent this text message around: “PERR and VP Leonen had heated argument wd Jamby Madrigal who brought group of union members and students 2 pres roman and insisted that she debate wd them on charter. Then got on mic and insulted perr and all univ officials as arrogant n vs. transparency. D sessionwas adjourned after kiko pangilinan put on record that he disagreed. Pls. pas.”
I was in the Senate Session Hall yesterday and was with Sen Madrigal when the incident referred to by the text message happened. What I have seen wereactions hardly fit for a UniversityPresident, much more when that president comes from my beloved UP.For the whole day of 18 December 2007,my colleagues and I from the Office ofSenator Jamby Madrigal were busy drafting amendments to the UP Charter Bill based on the submissions of the UP Wide Democratization Movement (UP WIDEM)to promote democratic governance and accountability, and to strengthen statesupport to the University of thePhilippines through its charter amendments. At the same time, we werediscussing these matters with the staff of Sen. Pangilinan to hopefully reach acompromise.
My principal discussed these proposals,too, with Sen. Pangilinan and SenatePresident Villar , who advised us todiscuss the same with UP Pres. Roman andher group. Sen. Madrigal took the initiative to approach them at theirseats in the gallery, with myself by herside.We expected a congenial discussion, butwhat we got were verbal abuses andinsults to my self.I was yet to say my greetings to UPPres. Roman when she started pointingher finger at me, saying loudly that Iwas doing a “disservice to theUniversity” repeatedly just because I have a different position with her as regards the UP Charter. Her manner of speaking was bereft of respect for a former colleague in the UPadministration. She knows this: I was a member of the Board of Regents which elected her as UP President. I voted forher on the basis of a principled stand at that time. I differ with her and her administration now on the specific provisions of the UP Charter that they are supporting. Again, it is a principled stand.
Does Pres. Roman see me as just a“former student regent”? Not even anordinary student is entitled to suchdisrespect, much more right in the hallsof the Senate. Her arrogance isunacceptable by any standards. I willnot cower. I demand an apology from herfor the insults she hurled to me inpublic in the Senate Plenary Hall yesterday.I have served the University of thePhilippines well and will continue to do so.
Office of Senator Madrigal
UP Student Regent (2004)
UP Diliman USC Chairperson (AY 2005-2006)
I was in the Senate Session Hall yesterday and was with Sen Madrigal when the incident referred to by the text message happened. What I have seen wereactions hardly fit for a UniversityPresident, much more when that president comes from my beloved UP.For the whole day of 18 December 2007,my colleagues and I from the Office ofSenator Jamby Madrigal were busy drafting amendments to the UP Charter Bill based on the submissions of the UP Wide Democratization Movement (UP WIDEM)to promote democratic governance and accountability, and to strengthen statesupport to the University of thePhilippines through its charter amendments. At the same time, we werediscussing these matters with the staff of Sen. Pangilinan to hopefully reach acompromise.
My principal discussed these proposals,too, with Sen. Pangilinan and SenatePresident Villar , who advised us todiscuss the same with UP Pres. Roman andher group. Sen. Madrigal took the initiative to approach them at theirseats in the gallery, with myself by herside.We expected a congenial discussion, butwhat we got were verbal abuses andinsults to my self.I was yet to say my greetings to UPPres. Roman when she started pointingher finger at me, saying loudly that Iwas doing a “disservice to theUniversity” repeatedly just because I have a different position with her as regards the UP Charter. Her manner of speaking was bereft of respect for a former colleague in the UPadministration. She knows this: I was a member of the Board of Regents which elected her as UP President. I voted forher on the basis of a principled stand at that time. I differ with her and her administration now on the specific provisions of the UP Charter that they are supporting. Again, it is a principled stand.
Does Pres. Roman see me as just a“former student regent”? Not even anordinary student is entitled to suchdisrespect, much more right in the hallsof the Senate. Her arrogance isunacceptable by any standards. I willnot cower. I demand an apology from herfor the insults she hurled to me inpublic in the Senate Plenary Hall yesterday.I have served the University of thePhilippines well and will continue to do so.
Office of Senator Madrigal
UP Student Regent (2004)
UP Diliman USC Chairperson (AY 2005-2006)
Monday, December 17, 2007
2 anti-Arroyo films get X-rating
The Movie, Television Review andClassification Board (MTRCB) on Mondaybanned the showing in moviehouses oftwo films which were both deemedcritical to the Arroyo administration,ABS-CBN News reported.
During a news conference after theKontra-Agos Resistance Film Fest,activist women's group Gabriela saidthe MTRCB gave the X-rating or not forpublic viewing to the politicalsatire "A Day in the Life of Gloria."In the film, the nose of the characternamed "Ate Glo" grows longer similarto Pinocchio's whenever she says "I amsorry." In the movie, riot policemenwere portrayed like storm troopersin "Star Wars" when they engagedprotesters.
Another film, "Mendiola", shows theactual footage during encountersbetween the riot police and militantgroups on the street and bridgeleading to Malacañang.
Gabriela Representatives Luz Ilaganand Liza Maza said the MTRCB's actionis similar to ushering the return ofMarcos dictatorship. They said thepalaceis using the MTRCB as a tool tooppress freedom of speech andexpression.The two party-list congresswomen havealready filed a resolution in Congressto review the power of the MTRCB.
Film director Carlitos Siguion-Reyna,meanwhile, said the two films merelycarry and reflect what protesters havebeen shouting on the streets. He said they should not be banned.
The Movie, Television Review andClassification Board (MTRCB) on Mondaybanned the showing in moviehouses oftwo films which were both deemedcritical to the Arroyo administration,ABS-CBN News reported.
During a news conference after theKontra-Agos Resistance Film Fest,activist women's group Gabriela saidthe MTRCB gave the X-rating or not forpublic viewing to the politicalsatire "A Day in the Life of Gloria."In the film, the nose of the characternamed "Ate Glo" grows longer similarto Pinocchio's whenever she says "I amsorry." In the movie, riot policemenwere portrayed like storm troopersin "Star Wars" when they engagedprotesters.
Another film, "Mendiola", shows theactual footage during encountersbetween the riot police and militantgroups on the street and bridgeleading to Malacañang.
Gabriela Representatives Luz Ilaganand Liza Maza said the MTRCB's actionis similar to ushering the return ofMarcos dictatorship. They said thepalaceis using the MTRCB as a tool tooppress freedom of speech andexpression.The two party-list congresswomen havealready filed a resolution in Congressto review the power of the MTRCB.
Film director Carlitos Siguion-Reyna,meanwhile, said the two films merelycarry and reflect what protesters havebeen shouting on the streets. He said they should not be banned.
Thursday, December 6, 2007
Of [Manila] Pen and Suffering
a reaction to the Manila Pen Standoff, 29 Nov '07
Roughly more than four years after the Oakwood 'Mutiny', an equally familiar scenario transpired in Makati, right inside the posh Manila Pen. While public opinion as rolled in the media speaks against Sen. Trillanes', et. al. actuations, I'm with him in his consistent and principled stance in condemning the Arroyo regime. Whatever means or outcome it may have reached,I'll be equally affirmative of his actions. At that point, the end justifed the means. For in a government and supposed 'democracy' where the leader's credibility and moral ascendancy cannot be accounted for, it is a penultimate act to assert our rights at any cost. This is not to say necessarili bloodshed, but this is counter-fighting evil, the tyranny of the state against its own people. Teeth for teeth if that it counts for eventual change.
A traitor (Arroyo government) has no place in this world. And Trillanes being the ideal soldier, who in his capacity served the military righteously, has the right to perform his duty of protecting the people, in which he is there for. This is after all an inevitable case of STATE (people) versus State (established govt). And by human convention, true vox populi sustains.
It is saddening to note that people has become attuned with the government's reactionary position such that any externalities that would come in their backyard, should be contained. That's how the government do it, at the cost of blatant violation of human rights and extra-constitutional policies. The deliberate arrests of media persons and the imposition of curfew is undue and uncalled for, an exageration of a citizen's legitimate claim and demands. Ultimately, the government, through its armed forces has sabotage the economy, the right to information, the right to redress grievances, and right to freedom of expression.
"Dissent without action is consent"
Sen Trillanes, KUDOS!
Roughly more than four years after the Oakwood 'Mutiny', an equally familiar scenario transpired in Makati, right inside the posh Manila Pen. While public opinion as rolled in the media speaks against Sen. Trillanes', et. al. actuations, I'm with him in his consistent and principled stance in condemning the Arroyo regime. Whatever means or outcome it may have reached,I'll be equally affirmative of his actions. At that point, the end justifed the means. For in a government and supposed 'democracy' where the leader's credibility and moral ascendancy cannot be accounted for, it is a penultimate act to assert our rights at any cost. This is not to say necessarili bloodshed, but this is counter-fighting evil, the tyranny of the state against its own people. Teeth for teeth if that it counts for eventual change.
A traitor (Arroyo government) has no place in this world. And Trillanes being the ideal soldier, who in his capacity served the military righteously, has the right to perform his duty of protecting the people, in which he is there for. This is after all an inevitable case of STATE (people) versus State (established govt). And by human convention, true vox populi sustains.
It is saddening to note that people has become attuned with the government's reactionary position such that any externalities that would come in their backyard, should be contained. That's how the government do it, at the cost of blatant violation of human rights and extra-constitutional policies. The deliberate arrests of media persons and the imposition of curfew is undue and uncalled for, an exageration of a citizen's legitimate claim and demands. Ultimately, the government, through its armed forces has sabotage the economy, the right to information, the right to redress grievances, and right to freedom of expression.
"Dissent without action is consent"
Sen Trillanes, KUDOS!
A Mid-December Personal Affair
There comes a time when you have to be dragged by the flow. Not for any other reasons, but emotion--or an elongation, for love. However may one describe it, I can ascertain that IT is the feeling. It affirms that love cannot really be define, as it can only be felt by someone who's willingness transcends rationality. Yet sometimes, uncertainties eat our courage piece by piece, leaving us helpless and doubtful of the feeling. But only if we gave chances to whatever the dictates of the mind,only then we can experience the bliss love can offer.
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Wednesday, 05 December 2007
The KONTRA-AGOS Resistance Film Festival 2007, a production of the Southern Tagalog Exposure (STEx) and Digital Cheese, in cooperation with the UP Sining at Lipunan (UP SILIP), Sine Tres Marias and the Independent Filmmakers Multi-Purpose Cooperative (IFC) will commence today, December 5 and will run until December 11 at the Indie Sine, Robinson’s Galleria, Ortigas.
Kontra-Agos: A Resistance Films Festival, celebrates films that go against the current, whether it be of popular cinema, politics or conventional ideas of love, sex and gender. Kontra Agos will present over the course of a week a range of films, past and present, that are politically, historically, and formally subversive.
This pioneering endeavor will showcase a total of 30 local and foreign films/videos ranging from quality and equally competitive full length films, features and short films to animated videos and experimental videos, narratives, documentaries and public service plugs featuring life and realities from the hinterlands of Mindanao up to the wilderness of the Himalayas.
The week-long event will formally start with an opening program at Indie Cine, 7PM with seasoned performances of Tao Aves, the Anino Shadow Play Collective and Bobby Balingit. In addition to the RIGHTS! Public Service Announcement on human rights, 3 new PSAs will also premier during the program. Jaja Arumpac’s WALAI (Documentary, 60min) will open the festival proper at 9PM. Admission is FREE.
Kontra-Agos also features a free interactive Panel Discussion on Human Rights and Artistic Freedom in Philippine Cinema slated December 8, Saturday 5-7 PM at Indie Sine, with acclaimed director Carlitos Siguion-Reyna, as one of the resource person.
Tickets will be available at Indie Cine at P50. For particulars, please contact us through Kiri Dalena or Sunshine Matutina, or mail to Also visit or for more details.
The KONTRA-AGOS Resistance Film Festival 2007, a production of the Southern Tagalog Exposure (STEx) and Digital Cheese, in cooperation with the UP Sining at Lipunan (UP SILIP), Sine Tres Marias and the Independent Filmmakers Multi-Purpose Cooperative (IFC) will commence today, December 5 and will run until December 11 at the Indie Sine, Robinson’s Galleria, Ortigas.
Kontra-Agos: A Resistance Films Festival, celebrates films that go against the current, whether it be of popular cinema, politics or conventional ideas of love, sex and gender. Kontra Agos will present over the course of a week a range of films, past and present, that are politically, historically, and formally subversive.
This pioneering endeavor will showcase a total of 30 local and foreign films/videos ranging from quality and equally competitive full length films, features and short films to animated videos and experimental videos, narratives, documentaries and public service plugs featuring life and realities from the hinterlands of Mindanao up to the wilderness of the Himalayas.
The week-long event will formally start with an opening program at Indie Cine, 7PM with seasoned performances of Tao Aves, the Anino Shadow Play Collective and Bobby Balingit. In addition to the RIGHTS! Public Service Announcement on human rights, 3 new PSAs will also premier during the program. Jaja Arumpac’s WALAI (Documentary, 60min) will open the festival proper at 9PM. Admission is FREE.
Kontra-Agos also features a free interactive Panel Discussion on Human Rights and Artistic Freedom in Philippine Cinema slated December 8, Saturday 5-7 PM at Indie Sine, with acclaimed director Carlitos Siguion-Reyna, as one of the resource person.
Tickets will be available at Indie Cine at P50. For particulars, please contact us through Kiri Dalena or Sunshine Matutina, or mail to Also visit or for more details.
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